Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in the administration of pastor in the administration of parish temporal matters. An active, well-formed Parish Finance Council is a key element for promoting the financial healthy of a parish, assuring accountability and assisting the pastor with his temporal responsibilities.
What We Do
The Finance Council works closely with the pastor, who is accountable to the Archbishop for the administration and stewardship of temporal goods of the parish. The pastor, according to Canon Law, has among his responsibilities, the responsibility for parish financial and temporal management.
The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body that assists the pastor in meeting these obligations. While the Parish Finance Council does not have decision making authority, consultation is at the heart of the decision-making process - sharing information, listening, contributing to the discussion, and promoting consensus. Canon law states that the pastor has to consult Finance Council on certain matters. Although the pastor is not obliged to follow the recommendations of the council.
In order to be effective in their responsibilities as members of the Parish Finance Council, members should have a love for the Church and its mission and develop a thorough understanding of the parish's mission, goals, people and other resources. The members should have knowledge of the archdiocesan statues and policies regarding temporal issues and other financial matters. It is the pastor's responsibility to give the members appropriate background and enrichment so they are able to carry out their duties.
Counsel & Policy
After studying matters of financial concern, the Finance Council recommends policy. It is not the function of the Parish Finance Council to implement policies. The pastor and parish staff carries out implementation of policies. The Finance Council offers financial advice, planning, and direction. It helps to find and manage the resources to fund parish projects and programs under the Pastor's leadership.
The parish Finance Council serves an important role in providing counsel to the pastor. A pastor is not typically trained in business management issues, yet he is entrusted with running what, in many cases, would be considered a good-sized business operation. The pastor is reliant on his trusted advisers to manage the temporal affairs of the parish. A well-structured and effective Finance Council acts as good stewards of the resources that have been entrusted to the parish. This in turn builds confidence and trust, and allows the parish to accomplish its mission more fully.